Who Am I?

I’m a mom to four beautiful kiddos (and some pretty great fur babies too), I am so blessed to be married to my best friend who is the most amazing man I know.
We’re a homeschooling, Jesus loving, crunchy-ish, inquisitive, crazy family.
It’s a mad house- for real.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.

There are a lot of projects that need tackled around my home, buying a foreclosure seemed like a good idea…
The to-do list is never ending though…
Especially since we hope to sell soon.

In relation to the journey for health I am taking my family on, I am eager to add some healthier recipes to my arsenal.  I will continue trying to develop a love of working out- or at least a better tolerance…
This is hard for me because I still see it as WORKing out 🙂

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